Ai-Kon 2025

July 11-13, 2025

RBC Convention Centre, Winnipeg, MB


Cosplay Contest 2020

Posted by Ai Kon on July 17, 2020

We are happy to announce our Mini 2020 Cosplay Contest! 

This contest will be voted on by members of the Ai-Kon discord ( ), and the top 10 will be voted on during the Sunday Cruncyroll Live Stream! 

To enter, send the following information to  by Friday July 24th, 2020.

  1. A photo(s) of the cosplay being worn in the last 12 months. (To be posted on discord/facebook live stream for voting purposes)
  2. A selfie of you with or in the cosplay, with a paper that has Ai-Kon 2020 written on it. (To verify the cosplay is still in your possession/wearable) 
  3. Your name (please note if you want an alias or shortened name used on online posts.)
  4. Your contact email. 
  5. Any social media accounts you would like us to link to in any online posts. 
  6. Permission to use those photos and information on our social media and for promotional use.