Ai-Kon 2025

July 11-13, 2025

RBC Convention Centre, Winnipeg, MB


Guest Announcement; Veronica Taylor!

Posted by Ai Kon on July 8, 2022

Veronica Taylor is a classically trained actor who found her way into voice acting while performing in the Batman Stunt Show at Six Flags Great Adventure. She became a mainstay of Saturday morning cartoons, best known for playing the original Ash and May on the first 8 seasons of “Pokemon”, April on “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (2003-2007) and roles in “Yu-Gi-Oh!”, “Cubix”, “Dinosaur King”, “Winx Club”, “One Piece”, and more. Shows for PBS include “Word World” (Sheep), “Lunch Lab” (Mixiebot), and “Chuck Vanderchuck’s ‘something something’ Explosion!” (Ramona). Current projects include Nickelodeon’s “Welcome to the Wayne” (Spy from 8-i), “Dragon Ball Super: Broly” (BerryBlue), “Dragon Ball Super” (Brianne/Ribrianne), “Sailor Moon” (Sailor Pluto), Sprout’s “Ollie and Moon” (flight attendant/ensemble) and “Astroblast” (Sputnik), “Aria” (Akari), “Mofy” (Mofy, Mogu, Sora), “Fire Emblem Heroes” (Macaiah) and “Valkyria Chronicles 4” (Crymaria). Anime favorites include “Slayers” (Amelia), “His and Hers Circumstances” (Yukino), “Nana Seven of Seven” (all 7 Nanas), among others. She has done numerous voices for animation, video games, audiobooks, commercials, and documentaries.

Follow her adventures on Twitter (@TheVeronicaT), Instagram (@theveronicat) and Facebook (The Veronica Taylor)