Ai-Kon 2025

July 11-13, 2025

RBC Convention Centre, Winnipeg, MB

Information > FAQ

Ai-Kon– Frequently Asked Questions


To help answer inquiries about our event, we’ve compiled this handy list of questions that we’ve received from other attendees like you.  We hope this helps!



What time does Ai-Kon open and close each day?

Winterfest begins at 12pm and ends at 12 am. Ai-Kon will begin at 12:00 pm on Friday, and end at 5:00pm on Sunday.

Where can I purchase tickets?

When  tickets sales are open they can be purchased online or on location day of at the RBC Convention Centre.

Can I buy tickets at the door?

Yes, there is a ticket kiosk available on location at the Convention Centre that will be open during our event!

I do not have a credit card, can I buy my tickets with cash?

Yes, the ticket kiosks on-site at will accept cash, credit and debit cards..

I’m a parent and my child wants to go to Ai-Kon, but I’m not interested in attending.  How will this work?

If your child is 12 years or under, they are required to be with a paying adult. Under Manitoba law children 12 and under must be with their guardian at all times.

Your child does not require a guardian if they are 13 years or over. RBC Convention Centre does not have a venue-wide paging system. Please have a system in place to contact your child at all times (such as a cell phone).

Showing Schedule

When will the showing schedule be available?

A schedule will be posted 1-2 weeks prior to the event.  We will advertise the schedule on our website, panels and events pages, provide a schedule breakdown in the guidebook, and guidebook app at the convention.

Artist Faire

Are there any more art tables available?

Availability will be advertised on the art page. Contact our Artist Coordinator for specific inquiries.

May I tape or pin my artwork to the wall behind me to showcase it?

The Convention Centre regulations state that you are not allowed to attach anything to the collapsible segment walls.  Ai-Kon recommends buying display boards/science fair displays to help show off your work on your table.

Vendors Room

I have a bunch of secondhand stuff I’d like to sell but I’m not a vendor.  Can I come to Ai-Kon and sell them?

Only confirmed vendors may sell merchandise at the convention on RBC Convention Centre grounds.

My bag/prop was found to be too big to be brought into the vendor’s room, may I leave it at the doors of the vendor’s room?

Deposit all over-sized bags, coats, backpacks, suitcases, cosplay items, changes of clothes, and props you no longer wish to carry to the love volunteers at Bag Check.
This is a free service.

Bag Check

May I leave items in bag check overnight?

No. Ai-Kon items must be collected at the end of every night.  Any items left in bag check after this time will be turned over to the Convention Centre lost and found.

Bag Check Hours:

  • Friday: Noon – Midnight
  • Saturday: 9 am – 3am
  • Sunday: 9am – 6pm


My registration badge won’t work with my costume, is there some other way?

Your badge wristband must be viewable at all times.

I bought a metal replica katana/ weapon for my costume, can I bring it?

No, please review our weapons policy here.


Do any of the events/panels / game/dance shows cost money to participate in?

All convention-related events are included in your registration fee with the exception of the maid cafe and food-related panels.

Are there limits on how many people can participate in panels/events?

Some panels have a limit due to the availability of supplies and room capacity.  Pre-registration is required for panels such as the Maid Cafe.

I would like to host a panel/event, how do we do this

Ai-Kon encourages our fans to take part in our convention programming. Attendees can put on panels in their area interest or expertise. Please submit panel application here.

If I host a panel, do I get free admission?

Information regarding our 2023 Presenter Pass Policy can be found here


If I volunteer, do I get free admission?

Returning volunteers from the prior summer Ai-Kon receive free admission. New volunteers or volunteers from prior to the previous summer Ai-Kon receive tickets at a discounted price.

Contact our volunteer coordinator for information on how you can become a volunteer at

When will I know my volunteer schedule?

Our volunteer coordinator should be able to get your schedule to you about 1-2 weeks prior to the convention. They will send the schedule and related info via email.


Are there areas that I am not allowed to photograph or video record?

All areas are allowable for photography with the exceptions of the marketplace and 18+ panels.  Remember cosplay is not consent, always ask for permission before taking a photo.
Photography or video recordings are not permitted in showing rooms. There is zero tolerance, offenders will be ejected from the convention and charges can be laid.

I have a problem where can I go to find assistance?

Please proceed to the registration desk where you received your badge or to the convention operations room (1st floor, north bldg room 16). At any time you can talk to any on-site volunteers and staff and they will direct you to correct person.
We’re here to help, please stop by and we will do our best!